Study Visa

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Study Visa

A study visa is a particular and highly specific endorsement that gets added to the government-issued student passport. Specifically, these students are the ones who get enrolled in a qualified Academic institution. The student visa adds a specific value to the non-citizens and allows the students to study in International Institute without any immigrant Visa. In simple words, any student who doesn’t have an immigrant Visa can still travel outside the country for studies just by having the student visa on his passport. For example, if a student is an aspirant for studying higher education abroad he or she must have a student visa along with an immigrant visa or non-immigrant visa.

There are two major categories of a student visa which are M and F. These categories Basically depend on the type of Higher Education the student is opting for. F Category significantly comprises the Courses or the programs Provided by School colleges or universities. Also, private elementary school, seminary, conservatory, language training program or any other academic Institute are also covered under category F. whereas category M includes recognized non-academic institutions and vocational institutions along with language training programs. A student visa precisely lasts for up to five years depending on the requirements of the course.

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